Media freedom and independence: Trends and challenges in Europe
25. February 2013Executive Master program “International Media Innovation Management”Executive Master program “International Media Innovation Management”
4. April 2013V dňoch 21. a 22. februára sa v Bratislave konal workshop projektu Anticorrp na tému: ´Anticorruption Policies Revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challange of Corruptiontion.´
Veľmi krátke záznamy z workshopu si môžete pozrieť TU:
video no. 1
video no. 2
There was an Anticorrp project Workshop which took place on 21. – 22. February in Bratislava. The Topic was: ´Anticorruption Policies Revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challange of Corruptiontion.´
You can watch very short video record from workshop HERE:
video no. 1
video no. 2