1) „Public Media Management For The Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, And Interaction”, edited by Michal Glowacki and Lizzie Jackson, Routledge, 2013.
2) „Media Policies Revisited: The Challenge of Media Freedom and Independence“, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014, edited by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, chapter The Freedom of Expression in the Media and the Slovak Judiciary, written by Andrej Školkay: This chapter discusses various problems in the execution of justice in Slovakia with respect to the protection of the freedom of expression in the media. These are mainly related to the recognition of strict responsibility for making public libellous statements, the fact that a successful claim for the breach of one’s honour does not require the finding of any real negative impact on the honour of the person involved, missing or twisted judicial argumentation, and the award of disproportionately high non-pecuniary damages in the case of public figures. The analysis also identifies the inconsistencies in the judgments of the Slovakian Supreme Court in broadcast media regulatory issues. The more liberal attitude of the Constitutional Court has only limited impact on the rulings of the general courts.
The book „Public Media Management For The Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, And Interaction analyzes the challenges facing public service media management in the face of ongoing technological developments and changing audience behaviors. It connects models, strategies, concepts, and managerial theories with emerging approaches to public media practices through an examination of media services (e.g. blogs, social networks, search engines, content aggregators) and the online performance of traditional public media organizations. Contributors identify the most relevant and useful approaches, those likely to encourage creativity, interaction, and the development of innovative content and services, and discuss how such innovation can underpin the continuation or expansion of public service media in the changing mediascape.The collection consists of 15 separate chapters as well as a Foreword, and Introduction. The Foreword, which gives the rationale for the edited collection and its significance, is written by Jan Malinowski – Head of the Media and Information Society Division at the Council of Europe. The Introduction offers orientation to the structure of the book by drawing together the key questions and challenges facing public media today. This book is dedicated to Dr. Karol Jakubowicz, whose last academic work before his death in April 2013 was written for this edited collection.
Table of contents
Foreword Jan Malinowski
Editors‘ Introduction Michal Glowacki and Lizzie Jackson
Part 1: The Changing Mediascape: Implications for Public Service Media
1. Remixing Public Media’s Remit: The Implication of Networks for Public Service Media Jessica Clark and Minna Aslama Horowitz
2. The Value of Change, or How to Manage Uncertainty in Contemporary Communications Aukse Balcytiene
3. Moveable Media: Mobile Internet and New Policy Modes Gerard Goggin, Tim Dwyer and Fiona Martin
4. Strategies for Stakeholder Management and Crowdsourcing Matthias Karmasin and Daniela Kraus
Part 2:Public Service Media Management Face Old and New Challenges
5. Organisational Culture and Structures in Public Media Management – In Search of a Model for the Digital Era? Christian S. Nissen
6. Key Managerial Steps towards a Public Service Mixed Platform Offer Roberto Suarez Candel
7. Governance, Accountability and Transparency of Public Service Media in a Contemporary Mediatised World: The Case of Bulgaria Bissera Zankova
8. Funding Models for Online News Andra Leurdijk
9. The Mass, The Audience, and The Public: Questioning Pre-Conceptions of News Audiences Heikki Heikkila, Laura Ahva, Jaana Siljamaki and Sanna Valtonen
Part 3: Repositioning the Public in Public Service and Other Media Enterprises
10. New Public + New Media = New Leadership? The Council of Europe`s Approach to Governance in Public Service Media Michal Glowacki
11. Public Service Content Provision: New Models, New Partnership, New Skills Charles Brown
12. Managing Spontaneity: User-Generated Content in the Media Ecology Karol Jakubowicz
13. Participating Publics: Implications for Production Practices at the BBC Lizzie Jackson
14. Managed not Edited: How Participative Platforms Operate Ren Reynolds
- Towards a Twenty-First Century Public Media: Conclusion Michal Glowacki
1) „Public Media Management For The Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, And Interaction”, edited by Michal Glowacki and Lizzie Jackson, Routledge, 2013.
2) „Media Policies Revisited: The Challenge of Media Freedom and Independence“, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014, edited by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, chapter The Freedom of Expression in the Media and the Slovak Judiciary, written by Andrej Školkay: This chapter discusses various problems in the execution of justice in Slovakia with respect to the protection of the freedom of expression in the media. These are mainly related to the recognition of strict responsibility for making public libellous statements, the fact that a successful claim for the breach of one’s honour does not require the finding of any real negative impact on the honour of the person involved, missing or twisted judicial argumentation, and the award of disproportionately high non-pecuniary damages in the case of public figures. The analysis also identifies the inconsistencies in the judgments of the Slovakian Supreme Court in broadcast media regulatory issues. The more liberal attitude of the Constitutional Court has only limited impact on the rulings of the general courts.
The book „Public Media Management For The Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, And Interaction analyzes the challenges facing public service media management in the face of ongoing technological developments and changing audience behaviors. It connects models, strategies, concepts, and managerial theories with emerging approaches to public media practices through an examination of media services (e.g. blogs, social networks, search engines, content aggregators) and the online performance of traditional public media organizations. Contributors identify the most relevant and useful approaches, those likely to encourage creativity, interaction, and the development of innovative content and services, and discuss how such innovation can underpin the continuation or expansion of public service media in the changing mediascape.The collection consists of 15 separate chapters as well as a Foreword, and Introduction. The Foreword, which gives the rationale for the edited collection and its significance, is written by Jan Malinowski – Head of the Media and Information Society Division at the Council of Europe. The Introduction offers orientation to the structure of the book by drawing together the key questions and challenges facing public media today. This book is dedicated to Dr. Karol Jakubowicz, whose last academic work before his death in April 2013 was written for this edited collection.
Table of contents
Foreword Jan Malinowski
Editors‘ Introduction Michal Glowacki and Lizzie Jackson
Part 1: The Changing Mediascape: Implications for Public Service Media
1. Remixing Public Media’s Remit: The Implication of Networks for Public Service Media Jessica Clark and Minna Aslama Horowitz
2. The Value of Change, or How to Manage Uncertainty in Contemporary Communications Aukse Balcytiene
3. Moveable Media: Mobile Internet and New Policy Modes Gerard Goggin, Tim Dwyer and Fiona Martin
4. Strategies for Stakeholder Management and Crowdsourcing Matthias Karmasin and Daniela Kraus
Part 2:Public Service Media Management Face Old and New Challenges
5. Organisational Culture and Structures in Public Media Management – In Search of a Model for the Digital Era? Christian S. Nissen
6. Key Managerial Steps towards a Public Service Mixed Platform Offer Roberto Suarez Candel
7. Governance, Accountability and Transparency of Public Service Media in a Contemporary Mediatised World: The Case of Bulgaria Bissera Zankova
8. Funding Models for Online News Andra Leurdijk
9. The Mass, The Audience, and The Public: Questioning Pre-Conceptions of News Audiences Heikki Heikkila, Laura Ahva, Jaana Siljamaki and Sanna Valtonen
Part 3: Repositioning the Public in Public Service and Other Media Enterprises
10. New Public + New Media = New Leadership? The Council of Europe`s Approach to Governance in Public Service Media Michal Glowacki
11. Public Service Content Provision: New Models, New Partnership, New Skills Charles Brown
12. Managing Spontaneity: User-Generated Content in the Media Ecology Karol Jakubowicz
13. Participating Publics: Implications for Production Practices at the BBC Lizzie Jackson
14. Managed not Edited: How Participative Platforms Operate Ren Reynolds
- Towards a Twenty-First Century Public Media: Conclusion Michal Glowacki