Účasť na konferencii o slobode vyjadrovania vo Viedni

Konferencia v Budapešti o mediálnom systéme v EurópeEuropean impacts on the development of the media systems in Central and Eastern Europe
20. septembra 2016
Medzinárodná konferencia Rusko a Európa
27. októbra 2016

Gaining a Digital Edge: Freedom of Expression  conference

A digital media and journalism conference for journalists, media lawyers and civil society in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe.


When: 14 September 2016 (All day)15 September 2016 (All day)

Where: Vienna

Organized by: Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, OSCE Mission to Serbia, Center for Media, Data and Society of the CEU School of Public Policy, SHARE Foundation

Gaining a Digital Edge: Freedom of Expression  conference

A digital media and journalism conference for journalists, media lawyers and civil society in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe.


When: 14 September 2016 (All day)15 September 2016 (All day)

Where: Vienna

Organized by: Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, OSCE Mission to Serbia, Center for Media, Data and Society of the CEU School of Public Policy, SHARE Foundation